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How do we work


⤑ The autonomy and self-organization of social movements and indigenous peoples’ organizations as organizations representing rights holders

⤑ The formulation and articulation of our political positions with our own voice, and without intermediaries

⤑ The representation of different sectors of food producers

⤑ The respect and promotion of women’s rights

⤑ The representation of the different regions of the world

⤑ The representation of young people


The WG has a plan of action that contains the priority strategic axes as well as specific activities. The action plan is defined in the WG meetings by its members, and is updated according to the needs of the WG. The activities of the WG are multiple, according to the following lines of action:

Discussion and articulation of positions and proposals
We critically analyze the dynamics and mechanisms with which globalized capital and politics seek to reconfigure our territories into places of profit and income for the capitalist classes of the planet. At the same time, we develop concrete proposals on how to ensure popular governance of territories, based on food sovereignty, human rights and social justice.

Articulation towards advocacy spaces
We coordinate the advocacy we do in the international spaces that we consider legitimate. We denounce what happens in our territories and oppose rules and policies that violate our rights. At the same time, we bring our proposals to advance our struggles for the right of communities and peoples to their lands and territories. In this way, we bring the voices of communities to international spaces. The WG has coordinated, for example, the participation of social movements and indigenous peoples in the process of elaboration and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.

Mutual learning and training
The WG is a space where organizations share their strategies and struggles for the territory at the local, national and regional level, thus creating a place for the exchange of experiences and mutual learning. In addition, the WG provides support to grassroots organizations to appropriate existing international tools (conventions, treaties, guidelines etc.) that can strengthen struggles in the territories. In this sense, the WG develops materials of popular education, such as the People’s Manual on Tenure Guidelines.

Support for territorial struggles and human rights defenders
The WG is also a space to give visibility and support to the struggles and direct actions of organizations in the territories, through letters of support and denunciations in cases of rights violations. In a context where violence against human rights defenders and the criminalisation of social struggles are increasingly acute, the WG places special emphasis on supporting human rights defenders around the world.